
Clusters can be represented by a feature matrix that describes several properties of the amino acid sequence within that cluster, including a number of physicochemical properties, entropy, size, length and generation probability. Table 1 contains a list of all features calculated by clusTCR, and provides a description for all of them.

Table 1: Cluster features calculated by clusTCR, and their description.

feature description
h Cluster entropy. This value describes the average information content per amino acid position (ignoring C and F at the first and last position respectively). as determined by the Shannon entropy at each position. A correction is applied that normalizes for cluster size.
size Cluster size. Number of sequences in the cluster.
length Length of CDR3 sequences in the cluster. Due to the fact that we use Hamming distance, (HD) all sequences within a cluster have exactly equal lengths (HD assumes equal length of sequences).
basicity_avg Average basicity of sequences in the cluster.
basicity_var Varience in basicity of sequences in the cluster.
hydrophobicity_avg Average hydrophobicity of sequences in the cluster.
hydrophobicity_var Varience in hydrophobicity of sequences in the cluster.
helicity_avg Average helicity of sequences in the cluster.
helicity_var Varience in helicity of sequences in the cluster.
mutationstability_avg Average mutation stability of sequences in the cluster.
mutationstability_var Varience in mutation stability of sequences in the cluster.
pgen_avg Average generation probability of CDR3 sequences in the cluster. Generation probability is calculated using the olga module.
pgen_var Variance in generation probability within the cluster.

Note: if you want to compute the generation probability for the TCR alpha chain, user must specify the chain='A' parameter in the Clustering object.

These features can be calculated by calling the compute_features() function on a ClusteringResult object (see clustering section). The code block below shows a brief example of a workflow for calculating cluster features.

from clustcr import datasets, Clustering

# Load some data
data = datasets.test_cdr3()

# Perform clustering
clustering = Clustering(chain='B') # change to chain='A' for alpha chain
output = clustering.fit(data)

# Compute features of ClusteringResult object
features = output.compute_features(compute_pgen=True)

Calculating generation probabilities (pgen) is time-consuming. A compute_pgen parameter is provided, so the user can indicate whether they want to calculate pgen values. If this parameter is set to False, a feature matrix without pgen values is computed. Note that pgen is necessary if you want to use the cluster quality classifier’s functionality (see section on exploring clustering results).